Monday, June 30, 2008

the joker

they say majority of the largely successful comedians are actually unhappy within. they try to make fun of situations & themselves in order to hide what they're really experiencing & feeling. like the joker or a clown, they paint their faces with a permanent smile to mask their true sentiments.

with me, i cannot & i refuse to conceal what i'm truly feeling. i won't fake a smile when i'm feeling like crap inside.

what you see is what you get. love me or leave me.

image courtesy of


what really matters most? the journey or the destination?

some people say that it's the journey, 'cause along the way you discover things about you & others. you get to experience new things & commit mistakes that teach you valuable lessons in life & make you stronger.

some argue that it's the destination, 'cause what's the use of going through the journey if you know that what lies ahead is not significant to you at all.

BUT what if...just what if...NEITHER the journey nor the destination makes sense to you??? IS IT WORTH IT???

Friday, June 27, 2008

i heart u

saw these pictures of josh & his bachelor's pad online...

i think i'm gonna melt in my seat. gosh...he's soooo cute.

i HEART him.

images courtesy of

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

ode to the running man

oh mr. running man,
in your full racing attire,
where art thou heading to?
can i join you today?
sprinting through edsa,
dripping wet and completely contented,
to be able to carry out your daily requisite of cardio exercise.

i'm not certain if it's the same person, but i think i saw him again. the running man i mentioned before who made the main road his private park. this time he was running in a zigzag pattern, through buses & cars in full stop (due to traffic) just before the kamuning bridge in edsa.

actually, i'd feel more at ease to learn that it's the same man. what i'm afraid of is if he's a different person. come to think of it, it will be a nightmare to wake up one day & find out that Epifanio De los Santos Avenue has become Epifanio De los Santos Arena.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


i have always loved driving. i've even written an entry about it before. but these days, i don't know whether driving makes me feel more relaxed (because i have a private time for myself when i can think & daydream about stuffs) or more stressed. the continuous increase in gasoline prices, declining quality of drivers (specially jeepney & bus drivers) and the sudden explosion in the population of motorcycles & bikes in the streets are driving me crazy! plus, is it just me or it seems the traffic is getting worse?

was driving along quezon avenue fly over this morning & saw a man (in full jogging attire) running as if he was in a park having his daily dose of cardio. he was running in the middle of one whole lane! WTF?!?!?!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Are we hi-tech enough?

as each day passes, our world becomes more advanced...from new discoveries, to cloning, to trips to outer space, etc...but why are we not advanced enough to be able to discover cures for some illnesses?

this morning, at a young age of 55, famous actor Rudy Fernandez passed away after more than 2 years of battle with the big "C"...:(

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Black Is In!

Warning: If you're expecting an entry on fashion, stop & don't continue to read this. Hehehe;)

After the seemingly endless race for the 2008 US Democratic Presidential candidacy nomination, it's finally Sen. Barack Obama. Will Sen. Hillary Clinton be his official VP running mate? That we would have to wait & see. If they run together & both win, it will definitely make history...Obama being the first black President of the United States & Clinton the first female Vice President.

Exactly 5 months from now, the citizens of US will be voting for their leaders. Don't want to sound political here, but these leaders folks will be very important not only to them but to us & to the rest of the world...