Thursday, May 15, 2008

the crystal ball was right

It'll be David vs. David:D

(Hmmm...I wonder if it can predict my future too...hehehe...)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

David vs.David

Idol notes...

1. I like Simon. I think part of why I find him appealing is his character. Others might not like him & find him arrogant but for me he's just frank. I admire him 'cause he's not afraid to make honest criticisms and at the same time give credit where they are due. He says how he really feels without thinking or caring of how people will react. It's really either you like him or you hate him.

2. David Archuleta should stick to singing. He's cute in a "pretty boy" way & he really has a great voice (no doubt he'll go a long way) but seeing him perform Chris Brown's "With You" tonight, I conclude that he sucks at dancing.

3. David Cook rocks. Wasn't really an original fan of his (I was rooting for Michael Johns who got booted out early on). I think he gained more popularity after his rendition of Mariah's "Always Be My Baby". Heard him sing "Dare You To Run" & "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing" tonight & I really like his rough, edgy voice.

My brave's gonna be a head to head battle between the 2 Davids for American Idol's Season 7.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Labour of Love

In this modern day & time, it's rare to find an honest to goodness helpful public servant. Sad truth but when I see a public official, the feeling I get is that of disgust & even fear rather than respect & relief. So a while ago, while passing through EDSA, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw an MMDA official helping a woman carry her plastic bag of groceries.

I didn't realize that such kind of person still exists. After a long day at work, the simple image I saw made me smile...